Friday, February 12, 2010

Where's the heat?

Good grief it's cold in South Florida! This is one of the worst winters we've had in many many years. I was able to get to the beach last Saturday but since then it hasn't gotten above 75 degrees. I know, quit your whining. Everyone else in the northern hemisphere is shovelling their way out of major snowfalls. Tonight is very special to me in that it's hubby and mine anniversary. We have such a great relationship. Unlike other men I have been with, he gives me so much room to grow and be me. Why is it that some men are so insecure that they smother the women they are with, to the point of being controlling and mean. Don't they realize that if they ease up and let their women breathe that they will have a better women? Hubby let's me do what I want and because of this I would never do anything that would upset him and visa-versa. He's a great guy and I wouldn't trade him for anything. Tonight we are going to Trapeze, our favorite swinger club. It's "Lady in Red" night so I'm wearing the red gown you see in this picture. The last time I wore this was when I shot with my friend Black Magic XXX. The funny thing is, he's going to be at the club tonight. I haven't seen him in a year or so. Maybe we'll reprise the role we played in that shoot...hmmmm? I'll let you know how it went.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New years! I know, where have I been for the last 6 months! I can only say I've been overwhelmed with life and just haven't had time to update my blog. The big news is my move to Ft Lauderdale. It's been two years in planning and waiting for the right time. It finally came together in the last 3 months with the kids moving out and a contract on my house. This week has been pretty hectic with packing and purging...out with the old and in with the new! I'll still be working as a physical trainer but in a much nicer gym. I can't wait! I'll also be around a lot of web girls that are willing to shoot content. South Florida is one of the worlds biggest porn production areas outside of San Fernando valley in California. There's a never ending supply of girls and guys to shoot with. I hope you are all staying warm. It's pretty friggin cold down here...I can imagine what it's like up north. Well, back to to you soon.
Kisses..... Bibette